Tuesday, March 15, 2011

End of The Cape

Doesn't bode well for The Cape. Not only did it have it's season shortened by several episodes, but it also suffered to have its season, and possibly series, finale aired online only. A couple supporting characters do not show up at all and the hero's son makes only a perfunctory appearance. However, it's a good episode, full of tension and resolving the subplot of the Cape's former cop buddy, Marty Voyt (Dorian Missick), who is in the employ of the master-villain Mr. Fleming aka Chess. Because of evidence that the Cape had uncovered the previous episode linking Fleming's organization ARK to crime, a fall guy is needed and that fall guy is Voyt. The Cape needs the help of Max Malini's Carnival of Crime and the mysterious Orwell to try to protect his Voyt and his family, and Faraday's wife who wants to defend Voyt and uncover evidence that clears her husband's name. It becomes a story of redemption for Voyt, caught between the man he wishes he was and the man he's become through the decisions and compromises he's made along the way. There's considerable tension and it ends where the story began in the first season, along the boxcars of a train.

The return of The Event is not earning any higher numbers. Maybe the networks will learn that what made Lost a success was a little more than being an impenatrable and often highly improbable mystery. I heard the current episodes are better and more linear, but the first couple from last season was just plain bad and boring with a bunch of characters that were little more than character types. There just seemed scores of bad-storytelling, ill-conceived ideas and questions that arose more from the storytelling than intentional to the plot such as why the African-American President is named and portrayed as if he's Hispanic.

So, right now, Monday nights for me is one decent show on at 8 and then a wasteland of nothing until 10 when I have to choose between two actually decent shows. It's enough that I don't feel like I'm missing anything if I just keep the tv off and read a good book.

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